Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Autumn arrived...

Liz came to visit a couple of weeks ago and it was a blast. We could not have asked for better weather. Every day she was here the skies were clear and sunny. Her visit was filled with trips to the beach, ziplining, and floatplane rides. The day after she left the rains came and the temperature dropped. Autumn arrived...

The rain let up on Friday and Saturday which allowed for an incredible camping trip. We loaded up the kayaks and kayaked the 1 1/2 hours to a tiny island off the tip of Gravina Island. We set up camp and the boys started a bonfire. The wind was whipping across the island, which helped the fire grow. Everyone huddled around to keep warm while we cooked salmon, halibut, and potatoes. Nothing is better than fish cooked over an open fire.

The next morning we awoke to a partly cloudy sky. The sun was shining through every chance it got. We started the bonfire again and spent half the day skipping rocks, laying in the sun, and eating watermelon. As late afternoon rolled around and everyone got hungry again we repacked the kayaks and kayaked back to North Point Higgins. We all feasted on a meal fit for kings at Dockside then went home and to bed.

The rain picked up again the next day and has not let up since...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

And the beautiful weather continues...

It still feels like summertime outside! It has been almost a week of perfect sunny skies. This past weekend was magical because of the weather. Kim's parents are visiting from out of town and have rented a beautiful home on a private beach. Friday was her birthday so we had a costume party on that beach. There were about 30 people and everyone was decked out in wild costumes. We built a huge bonfire and partied until the sun went down. We then laid out large tarps and everyone went to sleep on the beach under the stars. It was incredible. The next morning we awoke to the sound of waves and eagles flying above. We all piled into cars and drove to town for brunch. After a change of clothes a group of us went to Settlers Cove and played on the beach and in the waterfall. A couple of hours later we drove out towards Knudson Cove. We geared up and kayaked to Pup Island. We pulled our kayaks to shore and built another bonfire, played games on the beach, and enjoyed the sun. After the tide went out a ways we put our kayaks back in the water and headed towards the mainland. Everyone was worn out from so much sun, but it sure was worth it.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Sunshine and fun outside

The weather has been incredible this past week. It has been in the low 70's with clear blue skies. Jossie and I met some kayak guides at the grocery store and they invited us out for a kayaking adventure on Monday. The ocean was as calm as a lake. We started out north of North Point Higgins and kayaked to a little island. We pulled our kayaks up on the beach and hiked around. We then kayaked to another island that had a rope hanging from a tree above the water. Some people in our group climbed the rocks to the rope and swung into the ocean. I wasn't about to do that - the ocean water is so cold it takes your breath away! Once we got back to the mainland we went to a private beach and made a large bonfire while watching the sunset. I still cannot believe I live in this place.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Settler's Cove

Today Jossie, Lee, Powers, and I went hiking at Settler's Cove. The forest was filled with blueberries and salmon berries. Parts of the trail led down to the beach. We skipped rocks and collected interesting shells and little crabs. What a beautiful, misty day...

South Point Higgins Beach

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Summer is here!

It feels as though summer has finally arrived. Yesterday and today have been clear, sunny skies with temperatures around 70 degrees. The water looks so beautiful with the sun's reflection and many boats sailing by. Last night after work we went to South Point Higgins beach. There was a nice breeze coming off the water onto the shore. We sat on old logs that had been washed upon the beach during Ketchikan's logging days. The boys had a crab race, which Powers won. We then watched the sun set, which painted the most beautiful colors across the sky and water. After many days of cold rain, we are feeling very rewarded...

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Beach Day

Yesterday we all had off from work! I woke up to sun pouring into my window, which instantly brought a smile to my face. Not a cloud was in the sky. Jossie cooked pancakes for breakfast, then Powers, Jossie, Molly and I loaded the car with towels and a cooler and headed to South Point Higgins beach...my favorite beach on the island. We made a bon fire, which we didn't even need since it was so warm out. We walked along the rocky coastline and played with hermit crabs and spotted starfish pods. After several hours we noticed our skin turning red, so we loaded the car back up and headed home for an evening of movie viewing. I will post pictures from our beach day soon.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

The little boat that could...

Paul bought a boat two days ago. Well, its a skiff and it cost only $150. While it needs a good scrub down and one must constantly be pumping water out of it, this boat is perfect for fishing! Yesterday was sunny and warm so Hale, Dave, Paul and I decided to christen the boat after work by taking it out for a spin and doing some jigging. We started heading towards the south side of Pennock Island and barely went fast enough to feel a breeze. This is the perfect boat for me as I always get so cold by strong winds. Although I've been told that it runs faster than you'd believe with only 2 people in it. Once we reached the south end of the island the engine cut out. The boat must have known what it was doing because it landed us in a cod hole. We were catching cod with every drop of the line! Several cod later and a rickety ride back to town with the sun on our faces, we were happy folk:)

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The Vibrant Rainforest

Today I fell in love with Alaska all over again. I honestly did. This morning I went out to our work site and went on the rainforest sanctuary tour. The colors and smells of every plant, tree and lichen were so vibrant. A steady breeze was moving through the forest which made the water in the creek dance and the leaves sway. A sense of peace came over me and took away every bit of stress. Words can hardly begin to describe the beauty of the rainforest here.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

And the adventures continue yet again...

I knew the minute I flew in to Ketchikan last summer that I would return. Here I am. The mountains and water are just as beautiful as before. This beautiful land hasn't seemed to skip a beat since I left.

Last weekend I ventured back onto the water for a day of halibut fishing. Sinkey and his wife drove their boat from George Inlet to Mountain Point to pick up Paul and me. The water was so rough that we had to hang on simply not to fly off the boat! We decided to head back up George Inlet and jig for rockfish instead...a much safer bet. The weather forecast had called for rain, but around 9:00am the clouds broke and gave way for a sunny day. We caught many fish, but only kept two large yellow eyes. They are a beautiful florescent red and I will post a picture soon.

Its good to be back in the land of adventure...