Monday, July 20, 2009

My week with Kristen!

Kristen visited this week, so it has been extra fun filled. We went to the lumberjack show on Tuesday and it was amazing to see the things those guys do every day all day long (log rolling, log climbing, speed chopping, etc) After the show they let Kristen and me stick around and throw axes. After some practice, I got a bulls eye! It was so much fun! Tuesday night, Paul and Pete (the chef at George Inlet) came over and made sushi for Kim, Kristen, and me. Pete used fish and crab they had caught. It was absolutely delicious.

On Wednesday, Kristen and I took Chubs (Tory's dog) to Ward Lake. We walked the trail that surrounds the lake then laid out a large picnic blanket and took a nap. It was a beautiful day and a great way to spend the afternoon.

Friday was a very rainy day. The docks are always fun in the heavy rain (hint of sarcasm). That afternoon, Kristen and I packed up our backpacks and hopped a bus to George Inlet. We loaded up the boat with our supplies and Paul and Sinkey took us out to catch some crab. We headed out on the water and showed Kristen the beautiful scenery through the various inlets south of town then pulled some crab pots. About 8 crabs later we pulled the boat up to a beach. Sinkey started a fire and we cleaned and cooked the crab. It couldn't have tasted any better. It was raining, but the camp site had a large tarp overhead so we camped out in just our sleeping bags. When we woke up Saturday morning (Kristen's birthday) we cleaned up camp and headed out for a day of fishing. We trolled for salmon and jigged for rock fish. At the end of the day we had about 10 salmon (pinks, king, chum) and 5 rock fish. Paul vacuum sealed the fish and put them in a box to ship to Kristen's home... what a birthday present!

Yesterday, Kristen and I went zip lining (we went at different times because I had to work), but we both had great fun. She got on the ferry today headed to Juneau to visit her brother. I was sad to see her leave...

Our beautiful fish

axe throwing

our camp site

Kristen and me

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